Zandvoort Beach for Amsterdam

Gradalicious at De Haven van Zandvoort

  • Start: 19 May 2024, 15:00
  • End: 19 May 2024, 17:30

Grada Jansen, Willem Hellebrekers, Elvis Sergo, Lucas Suringar and last but not least Dimitrios Kosmidis - names not unknown in the pop and jazz world. Last year, they were in the spotlight at several well-known festivals with their unique musical concept: "Pop songs with a Twist." 19 May, you can see and hear them from 15.00 to 17.30 at De Haven van Zandvoort.

Beach exit Paulus Loot 9 Zandvoort


Strandafgang Paulus Loot 9 2042 AA Zandvoort